Wednesday 21 March 2007

History Of Scree (Continued)

more from Stuart Macaroni's excellent text....

I then obviously found my way to the album ‘Loose Rocks’ which followed the EP. It contained several beautiful pieces of simple pop with ‘Life’, ‘Tramp in the Park’ & ‘Gnome Alive’. However the band was also showing it’s rock influences on ‘Ignorance’ and the Kasmir esq ‘Success’. There was yet more variety with the instrumental piece ‘Dreaming’.
Paul Mitchell was responsible for much of the Bands sound at that stage penning ‘Gnome Alive’, ‘Tramp In The Park’ and ‘Success’ :”I was trying to capture that sound of the mid 80’s whilst addressing issues such as homelessness and the political state of the country in a accessible way. I had my own battles at the time with weight and addiction to buns. We were trying to become more mature from the raw SME* stuff where we were basically learning our trade.”

*SME were an earlier incarnation of Scree

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