Wednesday 9 May 2007

Polyphonic Scree

Last night Scree recorded 4 new versions of tracks past and present with the extended Scree line-up. The Rythmic Fleece Dave Dawson joined us on Drums, Vic Collins on Vocals and 'The Cat' was back to lay down the funk law on Man Who Runs The Funk. All new tracks are available on Overplay (follow the link to the side). You can also leave comments and reviews on the Overplay site. The session recordings are even of a slightly higher quality with us having 2 microphones instead of one, thanks to the mysterious Mr Cymbal. Speaking of which the Scree drum kit is in need of some new one's due to the furious beats being produced and not at all to do with the cheapness of the cymbals, oh no, but then as you all know EVERY cymbal is unique....(even shite ones). Join us later where we tell how Eddie Veddir of Pearl Jim fame had to wait outside the studio for us to finish, he said it can only happen 'Once' and it was him 'Vs' Scree and that 'Jeremy' spoke in the studio today.

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