Thursday 7 June 2007

Will all be rosy in the Scree garden?

Scree are heading back into the studio again, except this time there heading to The Garden, a decent studio based near Guildford. The Fleecemeister and Bins checked it out today and the facilities are decent, a marked improvement over what we were using and perhaps the magic of Underhedge can be recreated. We head there on the 28th June to start getting down to making the tracks tight. However we will be doing it without the funk groove of The Cat who is moving back to Derby. Vic is also out of action on the 28th but will be taking up full time vocal duties from July. No doubt The Cat will be back for guest appearances.

We'd also like to quash rumours that Steve has left the band for Muse. This is not true. Steve is too busy turning bread into wine for such other band pursuits.

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